Saturday, February 15, 2025

The Schedule

The thing that I always like to do with a big project like this is schedule out my goals for each week. That way, I can see what I need to do each class, hold myself accountable to staying on task, then inevitably fall behind and rehash the schedule. Just kidding. Hopefully. 

So currently, I know that I want to make a short film. I also know... nothing else. I have a bunch of ideas for the storyline, but most of them aren't that strong, and half of them are just cool sounding titles. I'm going to need to dedicate a lot of time just for coming up with a plot, and then a bunch more time to actually writing the thing. Because I'm still pretty undecided with what I want to do,  I'm going to dedicate a good portion of the first few weeks to just writing. Hopefully I can decide what I want to do by the end of next week, then I can focus on just making sure the story is good. 

Week One:

-make a project schedule (woah so meta)
-choose genre

Week Two:

-genre research
-have an idea of the full plot

At this point, I really need to make sure I know what my story is - If I know the beginning of my story, how it ends, and a general idea of how it gets there, I can start working on the script.

Week Three:

-start writing script
-Student Television Network

Student Television Network (STN) is a national student competition, and it is my second year doing it. I may explain more when the time comes, but it's a five day trip that I need to dedicate all of my time to, so I won't get much of this project done during that time. 

Week Four:

-finish writing script
-create storyboard (actually do it this time)
-start pre production planning

Week Five:

-keep planning
-have actors confirmed
-film dates set

Week Six:


Week Seven:

-finish filming
-start editing process
-refilm anything necessary (pray we don't need to)

Week Eight:

-finish editing
-work on advertisement/social media

Week Nine:

-finish advertising/social media
-write the CCR
-publish the thing

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everything, except nothing

I think a good idea at analyzing short films is to look at which ones are the most popular. So let's take a look at "nothing, excep...