Sunday, February 25, 2024


 My film opening is very dialogue based, which can be kind of unusual for these kinds of projects. I think this is probably because it can be hard to write good dialogue, as well as visual elements being preferred. Although my opening will use a lot of visual elements for storytelling, I also want to use dialogue for exposition as well as context, and learning about the character. I decided to find some movies with good dialogue that is similar to what I may end up using. 

This first clip from Baby Driver (2017), may seem a bit unusual because of how Baby doesn't pay attention for most of the conversation. However, when Baby explains the plan, it does two things. It shows how Baby really does understand what is going on, and is well prepared. It also tells us what the plan is and lets us know what is happening next in the movie.

The next scene of dialogue I want to show is from Inglorious Basterds (2019). It's one of my favorite movies, but I unfortunately can't import the clip like normal due to it being a teeny bit graphic, so you can watch it here. This bit of dialogue unveils information about who the characters are, as well as letting you know the plan for the rest of the film. 

I want to use the dialogue in my film in a similar way to these examples. I want my dialogue to show who the characters are, some of their traits(such as them being cocky), how skilled they are at their job, and I want the viewer to be able to know exactly what they are about to go try to do. 

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Film Opening

 After nine weeks of hard work, I can now finally present The Accessory . I hope you enjoy. :)