Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Idea

So it's about time I finally have a concrete plan for what my film opening will actually be. As you know, the genre I am going for is Drama/Thriller/Crime. So, here was my original idea, and then I'll go through some changes that will be made. 

The Original Plan

The film would start off by introducing two people getting ready in the morning. As we watch them getting ready, we would establish two things about them. One, by showing them getting into suits, putting on nice watches, sunglasses, we would establish they are professional and have a good amount of money. The second thing we would see is them taking knives/brass knuckles, or some other kind of weapon to establish they are criminals. 

The next part of the original plan was to have the characters meet somewhere, such as a diner, where they would meet with someone. This person would tell them about a task their boss has told them to do. They are told to get something important from a girl carrying it. (What she has is to be decided later).

When they find the girl, they take her into an alley and tell her to hand over the item so she doesn't have to get hurt. The next shot would be her walking out of the alley, and the camera would pan to find both of the men on the ground, unconscious.

The Revised Plan

After discussing the plan with my media teacher, we came up with a few revisions to make the plot make more sense, as well as being easier to film. 

The girl clearly is the most interesting character in the opening. There is lots of mystery behind her, because how could this girl, (who is small and short compared to the two men), able to beat them in a fight so easily? This is why I'm going have part of the opening spend more time on the girl, perhaps introduce the character in some way. We also decided that it would be smart to cut out the diner scene, for both time purposes, as well as me avoiding having to call a local diner and ask for permission to film. 

Within the next week, I will figure out exactly what is going to happen, and then write the script for the opening.


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Film Opening

 After nine weeks of hard work, I can now finally present The Accessory . I hope you enjoy. :)