Monday, March 25, 2024

Filming in the Morning

 Yeah yeah it's 12:07, I should be asleep. This is just a little update for what's going on. So the original plan was to film with my friends Sam, Diana, and Bryan. Well, Bryan told me he had a doctor's appointment that his mom never told him about today, so he can no longer do it. Also Diana had something come up, so she can't do it either. Faaaaaantastic. So I've been scrambling these past two days and I now have two new actors. Lily will now be played by my good friend Nicole, and Elvis will now be played by another friend named Sam. So two Sams and a Nicole. We are filming in 10 hours so if anyone cancels I'm canceling my friendship with them.

Bryan breaking my heart

Diana crushing my soul

Sam V.2 had just gotten a new fancy suit, so hopefully he looks absolutely dapper tomorrow. 

That's it from me. Wish me luck filming.

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