Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Film Opening

 After nine weeks of hard work, I can now finally present The Accessory. I hope you enjoy. :)

Creative Critical Reflection

 Here are my creative critical reflections: click here

Final Reflection

So, the project. It's done! Woohoo! This has definitely been a journey, so let's take a look back on the project.
 The original plan was, let's just say, ambitious. I wanted an entire extra scene in the beginning just showing Jimmy and Elvis getting dressed and preparing weapons, then I wanted them to have the discussion in a diner, then the whole scene with Lily was supposed to happen. How on Earth did I ever think I would be able to fit that in two minutes??? In my defense, I played it out in my head and timed it, and it did fit. However, let's be fair: it would have felt waaaay too fast paced. After talking with peers during group review, and my media teacher, I decided that I should one, focus on Lily as the main character, and two, should remove the diner scene all together. Later, while writing the script, I also decided to remove the opening scene of them getting ready. I had also originally planned on making the entire film go along to the music. I decided to scrap this idea however, because the music would interfere with the dialogue heavy opening. 
Although I had to change my original idea quite a bit, I am very happy with the result. I like the way the opening flows together, and I think I did a good job considering this is my first time doing something like this alone. This project has been quite a journey, and I'm happy with the way I'm leaving it.
I'll be taking Aice Media A Level next year, but until then, this is me signing off. I've really really enjoyed this class, and I can't wait to be back. :)

finished! the opening


It took a few hours, mostly because I had to figure out which takes to use, but the process overall went pretty smoothly. 

I wasn't really sure if I was going to record my own cover song for this project. On one hand, it would mean I would be able to use a song that I love and think would fit well with the piece. On the other hand, it's very easy to tell when a song is recorded by professionals vs an amateur like myself. I really loved the way the song Sing Child by Heart would fit over the film, so I decided I would cover it myself. 

This is my super professional and not at all janky recording setup. My amplifier has the ability to directly connect to my laptop which was running Audacity.

I also used After Effects for the first time. I used it to animate the title screen, and used the 3D feature to have the title follow the camera as it moves. 
This took a little while to figure out, but it was totally worth it in the end. 

Here is the finished timeline for the video. 

Film Opening

 After nine weeks of hard work, I can now finally present The Accessory . I hope you enjoy. :)