Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Final Reflection

So, the project. It's done! Woohoo! This has definitely been a journey, so let's take a look back on the project.
 The original plan was, let's just say, ambitious. I wanted an entire extra scene in the beginning just showing Jimmy and Elvis getting dressed and preparing weapons, then I wanted them to have the discussion in a diner, then the whole scene with Lily was supposed to happen. How on Earth did I ever think I would be able to fit that in two minutes??? In my defense, I played it out in my head and timed it, and it did fit. However, let's be fair: it would have felt waaaay too fast paced. After talking with peers during group review, and my media teacher, I decided that I should one, focus on Lily as the main character, and two, should remove the diner scene all together. Later, while writing the script, I also decided to remove the opening scene of them getting ready. I had also originally planned on making the entire film go along to the music. I decided to scrap this idea however, because the music would interfere with the dialogue heavy opening. 
Although I had to change my original idea quite a bit, I am very happy with the result. I like the way the opening flows together, and I think I did a good job considering this is my first time doing something like this alone. This project has been quite a journey, and I'm happy with the way I'm leaving it.
I'll be taking Aice Media A Level next year, but until then, this is me signing off. I've really really enjoyed this class, and I can't wait to be back. :)

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Film Opening

 After nine weeks of hard work, I can now finally present The Accessory . I hope you enjoy. :)