Saturday, March 8, 2025

group meeting

 I want you to picture yourself in my situation. You have just spent the last week away on a trip for a competition you have spent months preparing for. You have never been so mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausted. Of course, you have become sick after all of this chaos, but you've already missed so much school, so you drag your ass into class the next day. 

Yeah so that was me on Friday. I will have to say that I was definitely not in the happiest mood, nor was I especially ready to use my brain a bunch. I hadn't really worked on my project in a week. So just imagine how I felt when the first thing I hear from my media teacher is "Time for group meetings!".    :D

Yay! I was hoping I would at least have the entire plot figured out before this point, but I was a teeny bit behind schedule. Luckily, I at least had the basic outline to present to my groupmates, and it ended up being really helpful. 

As you can tell I was so ready to be there!!!

Martina started off explaining what she had planned for her short film, and I tried my best to be helpful but I'm going to be honest (and I'm so sorry Martina), I only heard about the last 30% of her plot. However, we all gave her some advice, and then it was my turn. 

The first thing Martina asked me after I described my whole plot was what the deeper meaning behind my story was. Sure, a bunch of things happened, but what is the whole reason for all of that to happen? Well damn, that's a really good question. I think it my hatred for short films that got too philosophical, I forget to put a theme into my story. WHICH IS KIND OF IMPORTANT. I'm really glad she asked this however because the group discussed some ways I could maybe improve the story. What was suggested, and I'm really heavily considering putting into my story, is having the boss not like the final story at the end of the film, but the main character goes ahead and publishes it on his own. It would show that the character realizes he doesn't need that company to express his creative talents, and I honestly really like that. 

I spent a lot of time trying to describe the mood and tone of my film, and the members of my group gave me some recommendations that they thought would really help me, based on what I told them. Sofia recommended the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and Megan suggested How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. They both seemed to really feel that I'll take a lot from those films, so I'm definitely going to give them a shot. 

The biggest thing I got out of this meeting was adding a little extra motivation to the character in the plot, or just some way for him to develop himself over the film. I wrote the ideas down to implement them, and will definitely include them while I write my script. 

I really wish I could individually credit every group member for their ideas, but I was like half conscious for most of that meeting. Our teacher kept looking at me and just looked so sad seeing me, which meant I must have really looked ill because she's never given me that look before. So anyway, if any of my group members read this, thank you so much for all the help, I think the end result is going to be improved a lot by what you guys suggested. 

Anyway, now that I have the outline mostly figured out, I should prooooobably write the script next. yay

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group meeting

 I want you to picture yourself in my situation. You have just spent the last week away on a trip for a competition you have spent months pr...