Friday, March 7, 2025


 Okay so I'm going to lay out the basic idea I have for my short film. If you are in my media class, I would prefer if you don't read this to avoid spoilers. I mentioned before that I want just a teeny little "ah ha" moment in this film, and that's difficult when people start watching already knowing what it is.

Okay, without further ado, lets go look at what my brain somehow conjured up. 

Okay, so I need you to understand that when my mind somehow connects together its single digit number of brain cells, I have fleeting moments before that idea is gone forever. So, I had to write this very quickly into my notes app, just in a way that would remind me of what I thought of. 

Translating this from incomprehensible jargon to actual words, it starts with a writer who, as the holy notes app note suggests, has extreme writers block. For some reason however, I'm picturing this guy to be a writer for some big company, where he works in an office for a bunch of people. I think I can give the character more motivation if he's writing because his boss gave him a deadline. I'm kind of picturing an environment kind of like the office in 500 Days of Summer? If you remember, Tom works for a greeting card company, so while his work is creativity based, he still works in a more average office environment. 

His boss then talks to him, saying that he's come up with no new stories in the past 5 weeks, and he have to be let go if he can't come up with something asap. Our main character, who can't come up with something good for the life of him, stays up all night at his house trying to write something to no avail. Waking up at his home desk at 4am, he decides to go to a coffee shop and trying to work there. 

As he's sitting at his table, still very early, a woman around his age (they're both in their younger 20s), starts asking him about what he's doing. She's clearly a lot more lively than him at his hour. They have a little chat, but it's unclear why the woman came up to him. 

I mostly came up with this part of the idea because I LOVE the aesthetic of a coffee shop or cafe right at the crack of dawn. It just feels so special, and a tad bit mysterious, and I would love to capture that vibe on film. 

This turns to the middle part of the story... that I do not know yet. I know, I'm supposed to have this figured out, BUT THIS IS HARD OKAY. Basically, I want there to be a turn of events that sparks what I can only describe as some "crazy adventure". I'm not sure of what it would entail, I have a few ideas but I need to check with my teacher for what she would consider "appropriate" (nothing that bad I promise, I just need something ridiculous).

At the end, after something has happened to cause some physical harm to the writer, like a big scratch or something, the adventure has mostly climaxed. Suddenly, what is happening on screen cuts suddenly to a script, showing what was just happening a second before. It is the boss reading a script that the writer turned in. The boss asks how he came up with this, and the writer just shrugs, trying to hide the scratch he got from his "adventure".

So yeah, it's very incomplete, but I have a solid beginning and end. I just need a fun and creative way to connect those two pieces, meaning I just need to sit my butt down and write for a bit. 

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