Friday, March 8, 2024

The Struggles of Writing

 So this is my first attempt at scriptwriting so far. I posted a picture all of portion of what I've typed. I'm utilizing a program called Celtx, which has been working very well. Although I've done some writing before, this is my first time writing complete dialogue in this form. It's kind of weird, how I can imagine a scene a million times in my head, but as soon as I try to put words on paper (or a screen), it feels so much harder. 

I've found that what helps me best with writing is saying everything out loud. If you saw me in class the other day, you would have probably thought I was talking to myself. Before I wrote anything, I would say it like my character would, making sure what they said both made sense, was useful information, but also felt natural. 

After a good amount of time writing, I finished the first scene in my opening. (I posted a portion of it above). This has been really helpful, as I now have a good idea of how to write my script, as well as how much time I will need to spend. Celtx has this really cool, but also stressful, feature that shows your writing time compared to thinking time. I'm not sure if fifteen minutes writing vs fifty minutes thinking is a good ratio, but I'm happy with my pace so far.

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Film Opening

 After nine weeks of hard work, I can now finally present The Accessory . I hope you enjoy. :)