Friday, March 29, 2024
I filmed! Yaaaaaaay!
Monday, March 25, 2024
Filming in the Morning
Yeah yeah it's 12:07, I should be asleep. This is just a little update for what's going on. So the original plan was to film with my friends Sam, Diana, and Bryan. Well, Bryan told me he had a doctor's appointment that his mom never told him about today, so he can no longer do it. Also Diana had something come up, so she can't do it either. Faaaaaantastic. So I've been scrambling these past two days and I now have two new actors. Lily will now be played by my good friend Nicole, and Elvis will now be played by another friend named Sam. So two Sams and a Nicole. We are filming in 10 hours so if anyone cancels I'm canceling my friendship with them.
Friday, March 22, 2024
The Current Plan for Filming
I have a current date scheduled to film the opening, along with the people that will act in it. The current plan is as follows:
We will meet up at the filming location on the 25th of this month. Jimmy will be played by my good friend Sam, and Elvis will be played by my friend Bryan. Both have a lot of experience in acting, and they have good chemistry from acting together in the past, which is why I decided to seek them out. Here is a film they acted together in, so you can see their talent.
The plan is to meet up at the town center and film the main opening scene. Then, we will try to film the alley scene in a place there. If that doesn't work, we will drive to another location to film the alley scene there.
Thursday, March 21, 2024
The Most Stressful Filmmaking Experience (and what I've learned from it)
So, as I've mentioned in a previous post, I competed in a competition called Student Television Network. In one of my competitions, we are given six hours to make a short film that goes along to a specific prompt, as well as using a line of dialogue that we are also provided.
The prompt we were given was "Off the grid", and the line of dialogue we had to use was "What are you looking at?". I'm going to be honest, I really liked this prompt, there were so many different routes we could take when it came to making a story.
Here is the plot we decided on: A guy and girl are on their first date together, and you can tell they really hit it off. As they are together in the park, the guy, Andrew, tries showing the girl something to impress her. Instead, he fails miserably. Even worse for poor Andrew is that a live streamer happens to catch his mistake on video. Andrew is so embarrassed that he decides he has to run away and get off the grid.
In the competition, you must write and finish filming all within the first three hours, then only two people can edit in the second three hours. So we finish writing within the first 45 minutes, and leave the hotel to go film. We started off at the park, where the embarrassing incident takes place. That's where we had two major technical issues. The first was with the boom mic, which wasn't working with the micro sd card we were using. We figured we could just use voice memos on our phones, because it's surprisingly good at picking up dialogue. That's when the second problem took place. Hayden, our cinematographer, has a really good camera that he bought. However, it only takes a particular type of sd card, which he couldn't find. After a while, he figured out how to lower the quality of the video in order to take a standard sd. At this point, we now only had 90 minutes to film the entire thing. This led to us not being able to film the last scene as we had intended.
At this point, we had to run to the convention center where the editing room is to make it in time. We just barely make it, so two of our group members start editing (only two are allowed). So, me and Hayden go with our friends to a nearby mall to go grab lunch, since there was nothing else we could do with the video. And then I get a call. "We don't have any of the audio, it didn't download. We need you to download it onto a flashdrive and give it to us". So here's the problem. I need a computer to download the audio. I also need a flashdrive, which is in a van that I don't know where it is. So, running time. I'm going to spare the details, but I had to run over a mile as fast as possible to get the audio to them in time. I then had to get back because I had just ordered food before I needed to leave, so I had to pay for that. When I got back, I then got another call. "We're still missing audio". You see, we were sending the audio through Whatsapp, which needs wifi to send. This meant there was still some clips that never got sent. So basically, I had to run all of that AGAIN.
Luckily, even adter all of that, my friends were able to submit on time. A lot went wrong with the project, but it turned out alright. Here it is:
Although I was happy with how it turned out considering the circumstances, I didn't have high hopes for placing in the top five. It didn't really meet our expectations, and we had some of the plot we couldn't put in. However, the experience was really great, and I',m glad we did it.
First off, I've learned that a lot of the time, things won't go according to plan. I've also learned that it's okay if it doesn't, as long as you one, do your best to fix any mistakes, and two, make sure you learn from them.
I've also realized that even if something doesn't reach your original vision, it doesn't mean it isn't still well made.
I am going to make sure I use what I've learned and learn from my mistakes when filming my film opening.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
A True Behind the Scenes
This last week I went on a field trip for a tv production competition. There first day there, we got to go on a studio tour of paramount studios, which was a really awesome experience. We got a behind the scenes look at the place where so many of the most famous movies were made. We also got to learn many different things about the production of movies.
Okay we all already knew that everything about Hollywood is fake. However it can be surprising the extend of just how fake some things are.
Do you know what Star Trek, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and The Truman Show have in common?
They were all filmed in a PARKING LOTHere's another example: soundstages
Sunday, March 10, 2024
How Long Can Filming Two Minutes Possibly Take?
When it comes to getting this project done, I've realized there's only one thing that truly concerns me about finishing it. The filming. I mean I guess that seems obvious, because if you don't film, you don't have a... film. In all seriousness, I'm very stressed out about the day I'm going to have to film. I'm going to have to go to different locations around town, with three of my friends, and I really really really don't want to have to reshoot anything. It's hard enough convincing my friends to act once. If I get them to act again they may not like me anymore.
Luckily, I've recently come across the realization that I am more than capable of filming this thing relatively quickly. I know I am because I've done it before. In fact, I've done something much harder.
A short film. How long do people generally take to make one. A couple weeks? Months? Well recently I've had to make one in SIX HOURS. May I introduce to you: STN Individuals! The premise is simple: Six hours, a prompt to follow, a line of dialogue to include, and a prop. You have three hours to plan, write, and film an entire short film, then three hours to edit. This can be REALLY HARD. However, it's something that I've done, and I know that if I can accomplish something like that in six hours, I can make a two minute film opening with the planning already done. Granted, I had three other people working with me on that short film, however, I have time to actually plan in advanced for this project.
You may be wondering: how good can a short film made in six hours be? Well, I'll show you the latest one my team has made.
Maximum time allotted: 2 minutes
Prompt: Never again
Line of Dialogue: "Don't cross me"
Prop: A cone
I want you to think of what you would make given that information. Now, watch ours and see if it looks similar.
Friday, March 8, 2024
The Struggles of Writing
So this is my first attempt at scriptwriting so far. I posted a picture all of portion of what I've typed. I'm utilizing a program called Celtx, which has been working very well. Although I've done some writing before, this is my first time writing complete dialogue in this form. It's kind of weird, how I can imagine a scene a million times in my head, but as soon as I try to put words on paper (or a screen), it feels so much harder.
I've found that what helps me best with writing is saying everything out loud. If you saw me in class the other day, you would have probably thought I was talking to myself. Before I wrote anything, I would say it like my character would, making sure what they said both made sense, was useful information, but also felt natural.After a good amount of time writing, I finished the first scene in my opening. (I posted a portion of it above). This has been really helpful, as I now have a good idea of how to write my script, as well as how much time I will need to spend. Celtx has this really cool, but also stressful, feature that shows your writing time compared to thinking time. I'm not sure if fifteen minutes writing vs fifty minutes thinking is a good ratio, but I'm happy with my pace so far.
Sunday, March 3, 2024
The Ending to the Beginning
I have finally figured out how the opening is going to end, which means I finally have the full plan for my opening, which means I can fully commit to my script. So here is what is going to happen after Lily escapes from Jimmy and Elvis.
The next scene will take place in a sort of office, where the illegal business Lily works for takes place. As she walks in, she places the briefcase the two men were after on the table and says to her boss that she doesn't get paid enough for this job, and asking who the two men who went after her were. The boss will reply something along the lines of that she seems perfectly okay, which she is, and that he's sure that whoever sent the men will have gotten the message that they aren't to be messed with.
The bosses face will also not be shown in this scene, to add a little bit of mystery to the character. It will look not too different from Marsellus Wallace in Pulp Fiction.
The Characters
Jimmy Romero
Jimmy is one of the two main characters that we follow at the start of the film. He is part of the mafia and works with (insert second character). He is more responsible and put together of the two. He is always on time, and is most concerned with getting the job done. Jimmy has a lot of experience in the field of crime, and he has learned from his past mistakes, and takes all of his jobs seriously.
Elvis Hernandez
Elvis is Jimmy's partner in crime( as in they are literally criminals). Elvis is a lot more laid back than Jimmy. While Jimmy is more focused on getting the job done and making a living, Elvis enjoys living life, picking up girls, and never seems to worry about things he should. He has a bit more self confidence than he should, which can sometimes affect the choices he makes.
Lily Rose
Lily is also part of the life of crime, however she is not in the mafia like Jimmy and Elvis. She works for an illegal business, but they are completely separate from the mafia. Lily is extremely competent at her job, and her boss knows it. Many people often underestimate her because of her being a girl, as well as not looking very intimidating, which she uses to her advantage. She is more similar to Jimmy, but is also more daring in her actions.
This what the Jimmy and Elvis wear normally:
I'm not yet sure what Lily's character will wear, because it depends on who I choose to act for her and what clothes they have.everything, except nothing
I think a good idea at analyzing short films is to look at which ones are the most popular. So let's take a look at "nothing, excep...

A crucial part of the planning for the opening is going to be finding good locations for all of the scenes in the opening. Because I live i...
After nine weeks of hard work, I can now finally present The Accessory . I hope you enjoy. :)
Here are my creative critical reflections: click here